Therapeutic massage


Therapeutic massage by means of grips that are strictly focused on deep soft tissues with the aim of healing chronic pain, as well as spasms (tension) of the body with its slightly deeper pressure and movements that relax tense, painful points and increase circulation in painful tight muscles. This type of massage is individualised to your needs.


Massage info at a glance

Is the therapeutic massage painful? It might cause you a temporary discomfort
Is there any recovery time? No
How often should I do it? A session should be done every 7-10 days
How long does a procedure take? 45 minutes
When do I see the results? Immediately after the first session

What is it?


The fascia is a thin, tough, elastic connective tissue that envelops most structures in the human body, including muscles. Fascia supports and protects these structures. In osteopathic practice, these soft tissues may be restricted by psychogenic disease, overuse, trauma, infectious agents, or inactivity, often resulting in pain, muscle tension, and concomitant reductions in blood flow.


Myofascial release (MFR) treats immobility and musculoskeletal pain by relaxing contracted muscles and fascias, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating stretch reflexes in the extremities to stimulate muscles. It is an alternative medicine therapy that is claimed to help with the pain and discomfort.


How does it work?


Massage can have both mechanical and reflective effects on the muscles it is applied to, which can lead to various benefits. Mechanically, massage can produce heat, which can make tissues more pliable, and also enhance circulation, allowing for better fluid transfer to tissues. Massage can also stretch muscles both lengthwise and transversely, helping to release or dissolve scar tissue, adhesions, and fascia around muscles, potentially aiding in muscle repair and relieving muscle tension. By manipulating muscles, massage can help to loosen and increase flexibility in the muscles. Massage may also be helpful as a complementary treatment for pain or muscle spasms and cramps.


What does it target?


Therapists frequently trigger a region where clients are in pain or they seem to have cramps, or contractures. When treating cramps, massage heats the region, increases blood flow, stretches the muscle, increases range of motion, and eases the pain by releasing pressure on the nerves


The benefits of this treatment?


  • increases blood flow
  • stretches the muscle
  • increases range of motion
  • eases the pain by releasing pressure on the nerves.
  • Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension.
  • Improving circulation, energy and alertness.
  • Lowering heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Improving immune function.
  • reduced muscle tension
  • increased joint mobility and flexibility
  • improved skin tone
  • improved recovery of soft tissue injuries

Asked By Others

  • Who is a good candidate for it?

    Nearly anyone who wants to improve their circulation, relieve muscular tightness, or reduce their stress levels is a good candidate for therapeutic massage.
    For instance, both amateurs and professional athletes, or people who are sited due to the work and long hours behind the computer. People who recently had any kind of specific injury or accident are also good candidates for this type of the massage.

  • Can anyone have it?

    This procedure is NOT recommended for people with:

    • Fever.
    • Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem.
    • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication.
    • Recent operations or acute injuries.
    • Neuritis.
    • Skin diseases.

  • What results can be expected?

    • increases blood flow
    • stretches the muscle
    • increases range of motion
    • eases the pain by releasing pressure on the nerves.
    • reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension.
    • improving circulation, energy and alertness.
    • calmed heart rate and lowered blood pressure.

  • Is the treatment painful?

    It might cause you temporary discomfort, the thing called “happy pain” is something that is temporarily discomfortable but later after the treatment you will face true equilibrium and balance.

  • How long does the treatment take?

    The therapeutic massage itself takes about 45 min, although it is usually combined with certain therapeutic massages procedures which are also specialised for curing painful nodes such as trigger point (additional 10min), kt tapes or foot reflexology (additional 10min).