Relaxing massage


Relaxing massage represents a rich hedonistic pleasure due to which we achieve a complete pleasant relaxation of the body in combination with a suitable environment (quiet, pleasant music, adequate space and lighting, fragrant aromatic oils, gentle touch of a professional therapist) and thus we contribute to health, improvement of the immune system, as well as prevention of stress and unpleasant fatigue.

Massage info at a glance

Is it painful? No.
Is there any downtime? No.
How often should I do it? A session should be done every 10-14 days.
How long does a procedure take? 50 minutes.
When do I see the results? Immediately after the first session.

What is a relaxing massage?


The relaxing massage results in an emotional release. It is considered to be a natural process in which a healthy change in the client’s body-mind results in improved balance. Clients often experience a range of pleasant sensations during or after a session, and massage helps reduce tension and anxiety. It can boost confidence and self-esteem while improving mood and relaxation. Massage can be a beneficial element of treatment whether you suffer from depression or anxiety, or if you are just overloaded with excessive stress.


How does relaxing massage work?


It allows the body to catch up and recharge by reconnecting and improving blood flow to the muscles that are treated. It accelerates the supply of nutrients required for proper function as well as the clearance of toxic components that can cause discomfort and postpone healing. Blood flow is naturally diminished if you do not move much during the day and your job causes you to have a static way of living. Massage is an excellent approach to revitalise everything


What does relaxing massage target?


Massage boosts blood flow and circulation in the muscles. Muscles can relax when their temperature and blood flow rise. Once muscles are relaxed and stretched, posture and movement will improve. Deep postural muscles, which are incredibly tired and stiff in places like the legs, lower back, middle thoracic spine, and trapezius-shoulder region, will be more relaxed by receiving this type of massage.


What are the benefits of a relaxing massage treatment?


  • Reduced stress and increased relaxation
  • Reduced pain and muscle soreness and tension
  • Improved circulation, energy and alertness
  • Lowered heart rate and blood pressure
  • Improved immune function
  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Improved circulation
  • Stimulated lymphatic system
  • Relaxation and reduction of stress hormones
  • Increased joint mobility and flexibility
  • Improved skin tone
  • Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries
  • Increased mental alertness
  • Reduced anxiety and depression.

Asked By Others

  • Who is a good candidate for a relaxing massage?

    Nearly anyone, those suffering from stress, muscle tension and pain tend to be the ideal candidates, anxious or depressed people, people who sit a lot, inactive and static individuals.

  • Can anyone have it?

    This procedure is NOT recommended for people with:

    • Fever.
    • Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem.
    • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication.
    • Recent operations or acute injuries.
    • Neuritis.
    • Skin diseases.

  • What results can be expected?

    • reduced muscle tension
    • relaxation and reduction of stress hormones
    • increased joint mobility and flexibility
    • improved skin tone
    • reduced anxiety and depression.

  • Is the treatment painful?

    The relax massage itself is not painful at all, although it could be combined with certain therapeutic massages procedures which are more specialized for curing painful nodes such as trigger point, face reflexology or foot reflexology. 

  • How long does the treatment take?

    The relax massage itself takes about 50 min, although it could be combined with certain therapeutic massages procedures which are more specialized for curing painful nodes such as trigger point (additional 10min), face reflexology (additional 10min) or foot reflexology (additional 10min).